About Wolic

Brief church history

Jesus is the Founder of (WOLIC) through Pastor Peterson Vasco Jeremiah, June 1996 with the Vision:


Habakkuk 2:1-3

“I will stand upon my watch and set me upon the tower and will watch to see what he will say unto me and what I shall answer when I am reproved.And the LORD answer me and said,Write the vision and make it plain upon tables that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it shall speak and not lie. though it tarry ,wait for it because it will surely come ,it will not tarry.”

Our Vision

To preach and present the living Jesus to a dying world. And the life of Jesus as light to man from darkness to light. John 1:4-5,John 10:10, Isaiah 60:1-3,John 8-12.


Confession could be defined as a formal profession of believe and acceptance of doctrine. Word of Life International Church is an Evangelical, Pentecostal and Charismatic family church where the word of God is preached and taught.

It is a dynamic and growing teaching centre that is meeting the needs of people, strengthening the family, bettering the community and advancing the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ, to all Nations.

Our Mission

Mission is defined as a set of task that fulfils a purpose or duty and assignment set by an employer (GOD) The mission of word of Life International Church is to build an army of mature believers, bring them from religion reality, from milk to meat.

We are called to train them to become skilful in the righteousness and stand firm in spiritual warfare against the kingdom of darkness. And to teach believers their covenant right and privileges in Christ and how to be victorious in life through the word of life.

We believe


The word “AIM” is defined as our purpose, design, target or goal, It is our aim to bring people who believe in Jesu Christ as the Lord and Saviour of our Lives. Also, to teach and train all to do the work of the Ministry. To work in this direction finance are always needed, focusing on this aim we have to support different departments (Children, social welfare, workers seminars, workshop etc.)


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